Thank You, Nurses

Follow along with our new blog series #HealthcareNow and #PublicSectorNow, where we’ll addresses healthcare innovation around the world and how to maintain business continuity in today’s health climate. 

Today is International Nurses Day, a day to celebrate nurses and the huge impact they have on the lives of their patients. 

At Cisco, we recognize that nurses have one of the most important jobs in the world. Today, and every day, we say: Thank you to all of the nurses who are taking care of those most in need, and who are keeping the rest of us healthy! In these challenging times, now more than ever, thank you for your patience, your kindness, and your care. 

After many exciting and terrifying trips to the Emergency Room with my younger son, Joe, I will ever be indebted to those nurses who explained injuries, gave concrete advice, and calmed my frazzled nerves.  Their smiles and hugs consistently jumpstarted the healing processes. 

Let’s hear from some of Cisco’s leaders as they say thanks on #InternationalNursesDay.

“Today we acknowledge the exhausting and energetic work of our nurses, working on the frontlines to protect our loved ones, and supporting our communities through telemedicine and telehealth. You are heroes. Thank you from Cisco!”

-Michelle Chiantera, Vice President, Americas Growth Marketing, Cisco

“During these times of incredible stress, need and loss, a heartfelt thank you to nurses worldwide for their skill, compassion and tenacity in making humanity just plain better. We owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude for the countless hours you’ve worked and the pain that you’ve helped to ease. Thank you.” 

–Ruma Balasubramanian, Vice President Sales, Cisco 

“Today, more than ever, nursing teams have shown us their great commitment and love for humanity. On this day, we give infinite thanks for your wonderful work.”

-Jordi Botifoll, President Latin America & Senior Vice President in the Americas, Cisco

“Nurses are the backbone of our healthcare system. Personally speaking, you have shown my family in our time of need – strength and softness that got us through. A heartfelt thank you for all you do to keep us safe and cared for.” 

-Luxy Thuraisingam, Vice President Growth Marketing, Cisco Canada 

“Everyone will, at some point, need the help of a nurse. Usually the first and last person you see on a hospital visit is a nurse. During this time, none of that changes. Thank you for everything you do, particularly during these trying times, when you are needed the most and continue to give freely of yourselves.” 

-David De Abreu, Managing Director, Public Sector, Cisco Canada 

“Nurses have been the heart and soul in caring for our patients to get us through this pandemic. On behalf of Cisco, we say thank you for your tireless efforts day and night in caring for all Canadians.” 

-Al Amiri, Regional Sales Director and National Healthcare Industry Leader, Cisco Canada 

“Great thanks to all nurses who, through their admirable vocation of service, are engaged and dedicate day-to-day care to our people. Thank you!”

-Gonzalo Valverde, Managing Director, Cisco CANSAC 

“Thank you to all the nurses who dedicate their lives to taking care of us. Nursing is a profession that involves strength and love. They show us that the foundation of society is to care of others.”

-Isidro Quintana, Director General, Cisco Systems México 

“Nurses and other healthcare and personal support workers are essential to our health and well-being. They care for us and our loved ones. We thank them and honor their sacrifice as they keep us safe during this unprecedented pandemic.” 

-Sean Caragata, Director, Industry Business Development, Cisco 

“Nurses around the world continue to give us their dedication and love. We celebrate their day by congratulating them on such beautiful work and thanking them for their dedication and commitment.”

-Sandra Eslava, Digitization, Industries & Segments Cisco Latin America 

“Nurses care. As our Cisco healthcare team was in full response mode helping our customers respond to COVID-19, I was scared. How could men and women remain courageous in the face of such uncertainty? I was later reassured by my aunt that everything would be fine and the nurses and healthcare workers would deliver. She reminded me “we took a pledge.” The Nightingale pledge is used at many graduation ceremonies throughout the country and it’s the same one she took in 1969 when graduating from Saint Mary’s school of nursing in Knoxville, TN where she worked for forty-six years until retirement. Thank you, Aunt Wilma and thank you to all our healthcare professionals.” 

-Audrey Roberts, Strategy and Planning Manager, Cisco 

We’d love to hear what you think. Comment below with your thank you and stay tuned for the next blog in our #HealthcareNow series.

Transforming healthcare

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